
The BAC "Chromevital+" is an invigorant increasing mental and physical capacity for work and resistibility of organism towards unfavourable factors of environment. The effect of "Chromevital+" is determined by effects of its components: Eleutherococcus senticosus, Spirulina, guarana (Paullinia cupana),yeast with chromium and vitamin C.

1 capsule contains: *DN (in %)
Per 2 capsules
Paullinia Cupana 72 mg  
Spirulina maxima 75 mg  
Eleutherococcus senticosus 175 mg  
Cola nitida 20 mg  
Yest with chromium 25 mg  
Including chromium 50 mkg 67% 
Vitamin C 33 mg 114% 

*DN (in%) is a daily need expressed as a percentage.

Eleutherococcus takes a stimulating and tonic effect, increases physical and mental capacity for work and takes off weariness.

Spirulina is a blue-green algae used in traditional medicine as a preventive for allergic diseases and treatment of anemia. The protein balanced on unexpandable amino acids works out more than 60 % of Spirulina`s weight. Spirulina also contains fatty acids, vitamins and mineral sals that contributes to forming of immune-modulating, tonic and antioxidant effect and regulating of metabolism.

Guarana (Paullinia Cupana) and Cola contain small percent of caffeine and are used as a tonic stimulating central nervous system and the action of the heart.

Chromium in the composition of "Chromevital+"is a component of low-molecular organic compound (factor of tolerance towards glucose), which makes for maintaining of the normal level of glucose in blood. Obviously, the effect of chromium is proved out in the increase of insulin-receptors number. Chromium can form tertiary complex between insulin and tissular receptors facilitating initial interaction between insulin and tissues.

Ascorbic acid regulates reductive-oxidative processes, possesses antioxidant qualities and contributes to increase of life tonus and strengthening of protective power of organism.

The results of the clinical tests carried out in the Research Institute of nutrition of RAMS, evidence that the system of antioxidant protection and namely its enzymatic link are activated under the influence of the BAC "Chromevital+" (the activity of superoxiddismutase increased of 32 %, catalase - of 26 %). The figures concerning non-enzymatic link of antioxidant system also improved: the concentration of vitamin A increased of 32 % and vitamin C - of 39%. The level of primary (dienic conjugate) and secondary (malonic dialdehyde) products of peroxidation of lipids in red corpuscles reduced correspondingly of 36 % and 19 %. The analysis showed that "Chromevital+" takes an immune-modulating effect that proved out in increasing of concentration of IgA and IgG in blood of 30 % and 39 % correspondingly, and C3 component alexine - of 33 % in comparison with raw data.

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