"VISION 3000" Jeans ![](images/flags/ru.gif) History
Funnily enough, but in the history of mankind there were people who could tell nothing about jeans because these people lived in caves and wore skins of killed animals. But today you will hardly find a person who can say that he or she knows little about jeans. Jeans are comfortable, nice and stylish, nevertheless, we make bold to assert that You know nothing about "VISION 3000" jeans!!! In appearence they are pretty near to ordinary jeans. Unless they are made in France, unless the cloth is of the highest quality and the design is classic. However, not only artists and designers, but also leading scientists were engaged on producing them...The fact is that these are the first jeans which make you not only good-looking, but also healthy, because they contain copper.
Copper is one of the first metals used by man. Using copper and bronze marked long epochs of human development known under the names Copper Age and Bronze Age correspondingly. |
The Latin name for copper - Cuprum - comes from the place-name of Cyprus island, where coppery mines existed and copper was eliquated in the 3rd century A.D. already. From of old our ancestors used copper for treating many diseases. Wearing copper bracelet on hand was auspicial for bracelet-holder, it preserved health, normalized blood pressure, strengthened capillary walls and prevented from salt depot. It is today when we already can argue about such concepts as electrolytic balance and penetrability of plasma membrane, and before people just believed in miraculous properties of copper. The soldiers who wore copper armour treated weariness in a shorter space of time, and the wounds they had received were less painful, festered less and healed up
quicklier. That is why people began to speak about resolvent properties of copper and its ability to increase vitality of an organism.
Copper is recognised as an important microelement like natrium, potassium and others required for usual metabolic processes and not synthesized in an organism. All the tissues in our body need copper for normal metabolism, and some kinds of them have somewhat greater metabolic needs than the others. The percentage of copper in tissues favours this fact.
As to the modern history of copper, there is a thing that is important: the number of certain pharmacological activities of copper goes on increasing quickly. Resolvent and anti-ulcerative properties of copper surfaced in 1974. In five years the news came that copper linkages acted as an anticonvulsive remedy in the models of light and strong epileptic attacks. In 1981 the information came out that copper acted as an antineoplastic remedy in the models of solid tumor. This was confirmed by the decrease of tumor growth, the recession of metastasis formation and the increase of showings of host organism survival. In 1982 the evidence of antidiabetic properties of copper was turned up.
Speaking of copper it is impossible not to mention that merely 1 mkg of copper destroys 5 mkg of enterobacteria and microflora of respiratory tract having an effect even on Staphylococcus
aureus. It is proved that, in the antirheumatic mechanism, copper helps to reduce the number of free radicals, prevents from their formation, affects saturation of cells with oxygen and participates the protection of gristles in joints. Copper provides strength of bone tissues by affecting intra- and intermolecular connections in collagen molecules by dint of a group of enzymes. Based on the information of space medicine, copper can regulate and redistribute energy at physical loads. It participates iron metabolism and haemoglobin fusion and regulates
Biomedicine is a secret of "Vision 3000"
As copper is one of the most important participants of metabolic processes and is a part of almost all organs and tissues, it has attracted a great attention of biomedicine.
Having studied the properties of copper, the group of famous laboratories in Ireland and France worked out a solution that helped to make human vital functions more active when it was contiguous to parts of the skin. This solution was used for processing threads that would be included in fabrics for clothes. Later on the model of jeans woven of such threads was worked up with the assistance of famous French couturiers. The examination of the properties of these jeans resulted in adding "coppery belt" to the model. Copper was also used in pockets, fly, buttons and
Including "coppery threads" in fabrics efforted an opportunity to use imflammable and
anti-reuhmatic properties of copper as well as its ability for affecting functional state of coverlet. Copper "exhalations" influence vascular pathology. But still the main thing is that a certain "coppery
biocorset" is formed, which builds up conditions for improving physiological parameters, increasing general non-specific resistance of organism and immunity.
It was marked that coppery threads have a beneficial influence on the state of mediums and fluids of organism. This means that copper has the wide spectrum of influence on organism as a whole as well as on all the products and liquids coming in organism. The characteristic property of copper is the intensification of effects of Biologically Active Nutritive Complements.
The time has passed when clothes was just an attribute of beauty and protected from cold. The new generation of clothes comes to take its place. It takes care both of our external and internal comfort as well as our health. "Vision 3000" is the first step to the future.