Lifepac Junior+

The BAC "Lifepac junior+" is a combined product, which compensates for a shortcoming of vitamins and mineral substances in the period of quick growth of child`s organism, increases resistibility towards infectious diseases and reduces the influence of unfavourable factors of environment.

The BAC "Lifepac junior+" is produced in the form of specially developed chewing pills with chocolate flavour. It contains 10 vitamins (beta-carotene, vitamins E, C, B1, B2, B6, B12, D3, nicotine amide and folic acid) and 10 mineral substances (magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, fluorine, manganese, zinc, selenium, chromium and copper). The properties of the product are determined by the complex of water- and liposoluble vitamins, micro- and macroelements in its composition.

1 pill contains: *DN (in %)
In 2 pill
Vitamin C 12,5 mg 80% 
Vitamin PP 3 mg 80% 
Vitamin E 2,5 mg 100% 
Beta-carotene (equal to 0,125 mg of vitamin A) 0,75 mg 60% 
Vitamin B6 0,325 mg 82% 
Vitamin B2 0,325 mg 92% 
Vitamin B1 0,25 mg 84% 
Vitamin B9 0,05 mg 100% 
Vitamin B12 0,5 mkg 100% 
Vitamin D3 (equal to 25 ME of cholecalciferol) 0,25 mg 50% 

*DN (in%) is a daily need expressed as a percentage.

Calcium hydrophosphate 22 mg
Including calcium 5 mg
Phosphorus 4 mg
Natrium triphosphate 4 mg
Including phosphorus 1 mg
Copper sulphate 0,23 mg
Including copper 50 mkg
Chromium orotate 13,5 mkg
Including chromium 1 mkg
Iron gluconade 0,246 mg
Including iron 0,03 mg
Natrium fluoride 97 mkg
Including fluorine 37 mkg
Magnesium carbonate 4,3 mg
Including magnesium 1 mg
Manganese carbonate 0,23 mg
Including manganese 0,1 mkg
Natrium selenite 2,2 mkg
Including selenium 1 mkg
Zinc oxide 0,54 mg
Including zinc 0,375 mg
Dextrose, cocoa, saccharose Up to 740 mg

B-carotene is a biological antioxidant, it provides protection of cell membranes against ravages of free radicals. B-carotene is a predecessor of vitamin A, which is called "the vitamin of growth", it regulates the growth of bones and participates in forming of optic pigments, necessary for normal twilight and colour vision.

B-vitamins participate in regulating of reductive-oxidative processes, protein, fats and carbohydrate exchange, providing organism with energy, they are also necessary for normal erythropoesis and functions of the nervous system and the digestive tract and regulate the processes of cell fission and blood coagulation.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) increases the resistibility of organism towards infectious diseases, regulates reductive-oxidative processes, carbohydrate exchange, blood coagulation and regeneration of tissues, possesses antioxidant qualities and reduces the risk of oncogenesis.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) is an antioxidant, it inactivates formation of free radicals, protects the lipids of cell membranes from destruction and reduces the risk of oncogenesis.

Vitamin D3 (cholecalcipherol) regulates calcium and phosphorus exchange in organism as well as the process of up-building of osteal structure and normalizes the functions of haematogenic and immune system.

Vitamin PP participates in the processes of fat and carbohydrate exchange and normalizes the functional state of skin, the nervous system and the digestive tract.

Magnesium normalizes functions of the nerves and participates in many enzymatic reactions as a cofactor.

Iron participates in erythropoesis and takes oxygen to tissues when being a component of haemoglobin.

Zinc is a component of enzymes, which stabilize cell membranes, it participates in the metabolism of nucleine acids, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, different hormones, including sexual ones, as well as in the processes of immune-competent cell fission and interaction.

Phosphorus and calcium contribute to normalization of phosphorous-calcium exchange in the osteal system.

Manganese has a stimulating influence on the processes of growth, haemogenesis and the functions of the immune system and livens up the enzymatic processes, it is also necessary for the synthesis of chondral tissue and the formation of bones.

Copper participates in reductive-oxidative processes and the synthesis of haemoglobin, stimulates formation of red corpuscles and contributes to increase of insulin activity and more complete utilization of carbohydrates.

Selenium acts together with vitamin E as an antioxidant by neutralizing free radicals and preventing development of cardiovascular and oncologic diseases, it also stimulates haemogenesis and improves functions of the nerves.

Chromium regulates the assimilation of glucose by cells, maintains the normal level of cholesterol in blood and prevents diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

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