"Millenium" gel includes plant extracts and protein
It effectively protects and renews skin, improves microcirculation,
and provides regeneration of skin cells. The modern cosmetologists
have proved that gelatiniform creams - i.e. jells are the best to
apply. They are good hydratants and do not prevent from normal skin
breathing and excretion. Withal, they are good in dissolving vitamins
and nutrients of cream compositions, do not contain emulsifiers
and could be easily put on the skin surface.
GINSENG (Panax Ginseng)
Ginseng is a fairy medicinal potion wropt in mystery, it is obtained
in the Far East and keeps on to amaze and surprise... Since Ginseng
used to be considered mainly as an excitive remedy, this point of
view influenced negatively its numerous qualities of a medicinal
herb, but in the medical practice of the countries where ginseng
grows, it has been applied as a medicinal herb in treating different
diseases. Today, due to many chemical and pharmacological researches,
Ginseng was found to have a unique composition and the most interesting
properties which prove its glory of wonderful medicinal potion Ginseng
won in the ancient times.
The Ginseng root contains starch, tar, etheric oil, sterols (Y-citosterol
and its glucosit), amino acids and B vitamins. Triterpen saponosids
are presented most widely of the active components. Since sixties,
these components have been researched intensively by the Japanese
(Shibata and others) and the Russian (Elyakov and others) scientists
who study Panax ginseng.
The Chinese physicians have used Ginseng since the first centuries
of our era. In the Far East Ginseng is noted as a potion giving
Indian summer. It is considered the real panacea for all diseases,
furthermore, it is often combined with aromatic compounds to get
invigorant and stimulative cure. As a result of physiological tests
having been conducted since 1958 mostly by Petkov, Ginseng was detected
to have a number of remarkable positive qualities: it is toxic very
little and not haemolytic.
Today, Ginseng is used intensively by the cosmeticians. Having beneficial
effect on proteins, fats, and carbohydrates metabolism, Ginseng
improves the state of skin. It also facilitates the regeneration
of epidermis cells, regulates water level in skin, protecting skin
from dehydration, works as a kind of stimulator that intensifies
blood circulation. Furthermore, Ginseng has a nourishing effect
on skin.
The first mentions of Ginkgo Biloba leaves` medicinal effect refer
to ancient recipes of the traditional Chinese medicine, published
the year 2800 BC. Ginkgo is a relict tree widely spread on earth
100 million years ago - that`s why sometimes it is called "living
phytolite". Up to now Ginkgo is considered the symbol of endurance
and longevity in China, Japan and Korea. Ginkgo trees grow even
in the hypocentre of nuclear explosion in Hiroshima. Ginkgo is a
tree 30 - 40 metres high, 1 metre thick, with a spreading crown.
Ginkgo bilobais spread in the South-East Asia but it also grows
in South Europe and Caucasus Black seashore.
Though Ginkgo leaves have been used by the traditional eastern medicine
for hundred years, modern cosmetic preparations, developed in accordance
with the results of the detailed research of chemical composition
and activity spectrum of Gingko biloba leaves` extract, were produced
in France and Germany just in 1965 - 1970. Nowadays, the preparations
on the base of standardized Gingko leaves` extract are produced
in more than 20 countries.
Gingko leaves extract has a compound chemical composition including
more than 40 ingredients. The main ingredients are flavonoide glucosites
(24%), terpenic complexes (6%), ginkgolids A, B, C, J and
this particular compounds condition on the specific pharmacological
activity of Gingko leaves` extract. Moreover, Gingko leaves` extract
contains proantocianidins and organic acids which provide solvability
and bioavailability of Gingko leaves`extract.
The effectors in the composition of Gingko leaves` extract have
a broad spectrum of pharmacological activity. For example, one of
these compounds is an active inhibitor of thrombocyte activating
factor which is instrumental in the mechanisms of aggregation of
thrombocytes, inflammation, allergy and shock.
Gingko leaves` extract has a vessel regulating effect on arteries,
capillaries and veins. The activity depends on vessel diameter,
structure of vessel sides and its initial tonus. Gingko leaves`
extract prevents artery spasm, enlarges veins, decreases the penetrance
of capillaries, normalizing their tonus. Gingko leaves` extract
changes reological characteristics of blood: it decreases thrombocyte
and erythrocyte aggregation and thrombus formation in the microcircular
The experiments in vivo and in vitro have proved that Gingko leaves`
extract links together free radicals and prevents the injury of
phospholipidic cell's membrane.
Hydralyzed wheat protein is a mixture of low molecular substances
which are the products of the wheat protein hydrolyze. It includes
unsaturated acids, vitamins and phospholipidics. It is widely used
in producing cosmetic production as a fine moisturizer. The other
property of this substance is its high protective function and ability
to remove wrinkles and chloasmata.
CAMELIA CHINESE (Camelia sinensis)
Japan and China occur at once as traditional "tea" countries with
their tea ceremonies raised to the rank of art. But botanists know
tea as a sort of tropical evergreen bushes of Theaceae family of
Camelia genus which has two species: Thea sinesis (grows in China,
Vietnam and Japan) and Thea assamica (Indian).
It consists of lipids, caffeine, ksalin, tannin. Due to its astringent
qualities, Camelia is used for oil skin care. Owing to poliphenol
in the composition of Camelia, it has a great number of useful qualities
and the main of them is the ability to increase skin tonus. Cosmetics
with Camelia in their composition can show bactericidal and antimycotic
BOTTLE-BRUSH (Equisetum arvense)
Bottle-brush is an ancient plant. The wise nature has been accumulating
healing power in it for million years. It grows in the Northern
hemisphere. Bottle-brush often grows on well-watered fields and
waysides. It contains saponins, alkaloids, organic acids, C vitamin.
Bottle-brush is a resolvent and the greatest natural source of bio-accessible
silicon. The component of "Millenium" was derived of
gathered in spring and early summer. No toxic chemicals are used
in deriving extract of bottle-brush - only water. Bottle-brush extract
is unique - it consists of water-dissolvent organic composition
of silicon dioxide linked with flavonoids. The human organism can
assimilate nearly all silicon dioxide in the "Millenium". Our daily
need in silicon dioxide is rather high. The shortage of silicon
dioxide often appears because of modern western nutrition which
includes flour, white rice, husked vegetables. The advantage of
bottle-brush extract in the "Millenium" is its water-dissolvability
obtained owing to the method of extraction of bottle-brush with
water-dissolvent siliconflavonoid component. The method was developed
by French scientists. It is not the quantity of silicon dioxide
SiO2 that is important in this case, but the fact silicon dioxide
is easily digested by an organism and very useful for it. Silicon
dioxide relates to the class of rare minerals, important for an
organism. First of all, our body contains silicon dioxide in skin
cells, hair and nails and in elastic tissues around large blood-vessels
and bones as well. That is how bottle-brush works: the component
of the "Millenium" nourishes collagen fibres of conjunctive tissue,
improves blood circulation and therefore skin nourishment, strengthens
collagen fibres that are instrumental in increasing skin elasticity.
CENTELLA ASIAN (Centella asiatica)
Centella asiatica grows in South Africa and Madagascar, contains
asiatic and madecassone acids. The preparation inhibits biosynthesis
of collagen and the other components of conjunctive tissue, stabilizes
lisosomale membranes. The preliminary results allow to appraise
positively therapeutic qualities of these preparations, and especially,
concerning the effect on vessel-trophic changes, digital aphthae,
etc. It is traditionally applied as the healing cure for wounds.
Furthermore, Centella stimulates blood circulation, metabolism,
excretion, makes skin elastic and strengthens the vessels` sides.
The Aloe genus is among Liliaceae family and unites approximately
350 species of plants growing in South and tropical Africa, in Madagascar
island, in Arabian peninsula, and in the island Sokotra and
The most of Aloe species grow in the Southern part of African continent
- in Karpsky region and Transvaal. These plants adopted them to
living in the regions of very hot and dry climate. Many species
grow in savannas in sandy and stony grounds, often among huge stones.
It is often Aloe that defines the appearance of this landscape,
making it both a bit magic and sullen. The representatives of Aloe
genus are very various in externals. Indeed, perennial herbs prevail
among them, but there also are treelike and shrubby forms, and even
lianas. The leaves of most of these plants even do not look like
leaves. They are thick, fleshy, bossed from the downside and concave
from the upside. One of the most widespread species is Aloe original
or Aloe barbadensis. This grassy perennial plant has very nice,
narrow, scalloped, nearly erect grey-green leaves gathered into
compact rosettes. The flower-bearing part is 60 - 90 sm high. There
are many opinions about the motherland of this specy of Aloe. One
scientists consider it grows as a natural plant in Canary and Cape
Verde Islands, the other consider South-East Africa and Arabian
peninsula to be its natural area. However, since the ancient times
Aloe original has been cultivated as a medicinal plant all over
Mediterranean, so it was naturalized in many regions. The Spanish
had brought Aloe original to the New World where it was naturalized
very successfully, too, and spread particularly wide in Barbados
island. From this island the plant got to botanic gardens of England
in the end of the XVIth century. As a cultivated plant Aloe original
also spread in India, South China and some regions of South-Eastern
Asia. There is even an opinion that Aloe original was mentioned
in Accadian texts (2000 BC) of ancient Assyria- Babylon as a plant
for house doors decoration. Some nations in the Middle East still
have an ancient tradition to hang aloe over the house entrance because
according to local popular belief it brings longevity and prosperity
to the inhabitants of the house. In the Accadian language the name
of Aloe original sounded as "si-bu-ru". The Arabian word
or "saber" meaning patience, endurance comes from this name. The
same word "sabur" is used for evaporated, condensed and hardened
juice of Aloe leaves of different species. This substance as well
as fresh Aloe juice have been used in the medicine since the ancient
times. The first records about using sabur were in Dioskorius's
works (nearly 78 BC). In his works Aloe original with buds was painted.
But the ancient Greeks probably had known useful properties of this
plant long before. The famous Arabian traveller Idricy (the middle
of the XIIth century) wrote in his works that Alexander the Macedonian
had conquered Sokotra island for Aloe growing there and its healing
The classical medicinal author, doctor and naturalist Galen who
lived in the IInd century of AC wrote about the variety of medicinal
appliance of Aloe juice in his treatises. The outward application
of the juice of fresh leaves is for treating abscessed wounds, burns,
inflammatory skin deceases. In needle administrations 1 ml of the
extract is applied for treating different eyes deceases: conjunctivitis,
iritis, keratitis, vitriform body cataract as well as for bronchial
asthma and peptic ulcers. The emulsion made of aged at 6 - 8° C
a.z. in the dark for 12 days Aloe leaves` juice, castor and eucalyptic
oils, is applied for prevention and cure of skin injuries which
appear during radiation sickness.
Undoubtedly, this component of the "Millenium" gel is one of the
main effectors of the cosmetic product.
This is the main carbohydrate of skin tissue. Hyaluronic acid maintains
skin moisture balance, increases the elasticity of skin.
Hyaluronic acid is the important component of the conjunctive tissue
and provides the effective water accumulation. With age, the percentage
of the acid in skin decreases quickly, that is why it is very useful
for skin to get it from outside. The preparations with hyaluronic
acid can provide skin with the "new energy impulse" or even stimulate
the production of new cells. By action of the products related to
formation of our cell` membranes, "sutures" appear in hyaluronic
acid to make the gel` structure more resistant and less penetrable.
It is well known that elderly people have poor excretion (through
skin). Apparently, hyaluronidase ferment in an organism intended
for hyaluronic acid destruction can not entirely do this task with
ageing so hyaluronidase from outside is needed as a preventive measure
for senescense. The hyaluronic acid injected will "distract" intercellular
hyaluronidase and increase the percentage of "sutures" in own hyaluronic
acid. This process will prevent the premature skin aging and maintain
skin water balance.
Diasolin urea is an antiallergic component making the "Millenium"
gel hypoallergic.
It protects cells from ageing and prevents the formation of free
radicals, has an antioncological effect, maintains erythrocytes
stability, prevents development of thrombi. These characteristics
let E vitamin join the gamma of the "Millenium" gel`s ingredients
They are the less toxic of all known pharabens used as