We constantly complain about our appearance. As a rule, the dissatisfaction with ourselves is not impartial, but is caused by low self-esteem. 80% of women think that they have very bad skin, sparse hair and plain nails.
However in most cases such a low rating of one's appearance is actually caused by exhaustion or use of low-quality cosmetic products and not by senescence of skin or number of hair. As beauty experts joke, "The skill to make a correct choice is what we always lack". So the problems of "plain appearance" are psychological rather than physiological. Therefore turn to the beauty experts for advice and make a correct choice of cosmetic products. The "VISION" cosmetics can become the most rightful choice for you.
Why does skin become wrong;
how the cosmetic means of "VISION" solve its problems
The basic principle of the cosmetics eliminating negative changes of skin.
The recommended product of the "Millenium" series
Dry and hypersensitive skin.
As a result of the lack of important nutritious substances, extra dryness (soap, alcohol, powder) and absence of hormone balance, the cell membranes of skin attenuate, can no longer keep moisture, and oil-glands become
The blood exchange abates. The life history of cells diminishes.
Strengthening of cell membranes, biomassage of oil-glands, stimulation of metabolic and regenerative processes, deceleration of the accumulation of keratin by a cell, optimization of the blood nutrition of skin, increase of the tone of skin muscles.
"Millenium" protective cream
Greasy skin.
Occluded, dark and open pores.
Hypertrophy and changes of the shape of oil-glands and oil-ducts arise from the overproduction of sex hormones in organism and wrong skin-care. The miscrobicide and respiratory properties of cells and the skin immunity weaken. It leads to inflammatory processes.
The liquefaction and decoloration of the secretion occluding pores; the pore-diminishing massage of muscles; strengthening of drainage properties of skin; resolving influence on skin and internals; resurrection of hormone balance; strengthening of tissue breath; increase of immune reactions.
"Millenium" make-up removing milk
"Millenium" gel
Decrease of skin elasticity, formation of wrinkles on skin
On the score of overoxidation reaction, weakening of metabolic processes, changing of hormone state and influence of stresses the mechanism maintaining pressure constant in skin cells (especially in elastyne and collagen fibers) debilitates, the nourishment of the skin muscles with blood is reduced and leads to their asthenia
Antioxidant properties, the potentiation of blood flow, activation of breath and metabolic processes in skin, strengthening of cell membranes, maintaining of permanent cell pressure, nourishment of elastyne and collagen fibers, enrichment of vitamins, slowing down of enrichment of keratin by cell.
"Millenium" make-up removing milk
"Millenium" gel
"Millenium" protective cream
Stress patches
They are a result of assaultive hormone production provoked by overexertion of the nervous system; the walls of vessels become permeable and circulation of blood becomes defective.
Starving skin cells lose their protective and membrane functions, metabolism in skin becomes unsettled and leads to over-excitability of nervous receptors. Elasticity of tissues is also reduced.
Sedative and anti-succulent effect on nerve tissue, strengthening of walls of vessels, optimization of circulation of the blood, restoration of hormone balance. The nourishment and the breath of skin cells intensify, cell membrane strengthens, and protective and regenerative functions of skin also intensify.
"Millenium" gel
"Millenium" protective cream
Inflammatory reactions on skin of bacterial and viral nature
Unfavorable hormone state and weakening of blood and lymph exchange in skin tissues cause decrease of intracutaneous immunity and protective properties.
Inflammatory, anaplerotic and immune-modulating effect. Potentiation of metabolism, the excretion of detrimental particles off an organism. The production of interferon becomes optimized.
"Millenium" make-up removing milk
"Millenium" gel
Visible vascular tree on skin
It is a result of loss of elasticity and contractile readiness of vessel tissues. Water-mineral misbalance leads to sponginess of percutaneous and intracutaneous tissue.
Normalization of osmotic pressure of a cell, strengthening of cell membrane complex, giving the tone of vasomotor muscles, clarification of skin.
"Millenium" gel
"Millenium" protective cream
Thickening of epidermis. Fissures on skin.
Due to the decrease of the quantity of liquid in cells, caused by influence of unfavorable external impact (influence of chemical agents, constant pressure on skin), the mechanism of skin cells regeneration weakens, the elasticity of skin is lost, intercellular linkage is unsettled and the defects of surface wholeness of skin appear.
Inflammatory, regenerative, moisturizing and softening effect. Optimization of removal of extinct cells off the system of the blood circulation.
Potentiation of metabolic and breath processes of a cell.
"Millenium" make-up removing milk
"Millenium" gel
"Millenium" protective cream