Clinical tests

Clinical tests were carried out by the Laboratory on the Investigation of Reparative Processes in Skin of the Research Center in the Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy.

The facts in literature and our own observations and research evidence that more than half of the population widely uses cosmetic creams meant for various purposes: to improve the nutrition of skin, to provide its photoprotection, to whiten it, etc. There is a peculiar need in the creams possessing unwrinkling power.

In this aspect, the cosmetic preparation in the form of "Millenium" gel produced by the LHS company (France) is of special interest.

From April 4 till June 30, 1997, clinical certification of "Millenium" gel was carried out by the Laboratory on the Investigation of Reparative Processes in Skin of the Research Center in Sechenov MMA, accredited by State Sanitary and Epidemiological Inspectors of Russian Federation (Register № РОСС. RU. 001.510781 of 2.10.96).

The purpose of carrying out clinical research was to study the effectiveness of the "Millenium" cosmetic gel and the tolerance of organism towards it, as well as to discover possible concurrent reactions.

"Millenium" is meant for being used as an outward nourishing cosmetic for skin, improving its turgor, elasticity and contributing to unwrinkling on skin.

"Millenium" is a complex multi-component gel which contains the spirit tincture of fresh leaves of Ginkgo biloba; hydrolyzed wheaten protein; glyceride-5-lactate, the ether of lactic acid; polyethylene, the glycolic ether of glycerine; ethoxyliryzed alkylphenole Nonuxynole-14; triethanolamine, which is a mixture of tri-, di- and monoalcanolamines; Camellia Chinese (the green tea of unsweated yellow leaves of Camellia sinensis); Tinweed (Equiesetum arvense L); the root of Ginseng Panax ginseng Meyer; Centella Asiatica; concentrated sap and dried parts of leaves of Aloe barbadensis; hyaluronic acid; high-molecular polymer of acrylic acid-carbomere; diasolydinyle of carbamide; tocopherolacetate; methylparabene of sodium and propylene-parabele of sodium.

43 patients (32 women and 11 men) in the age from 44 till 63 years were clinically observed.

"Millenium" gel was put on the skin of face and neck. The skin was cleaned previously by water of room temperature.

Before the test all patients were put on local trials: the gel was laid on the interior surface of forearm and this part of body was closed with a bandage during 24 hours.

The results of the test were estimated according to the following parameters: the ability of the gel to tolerate, to be absorbed, to give inflammatory effect and to cause changes in the skin state (dryness, greasiness, peeling, redness and elasticity).

The gel was put on the skin of face and neck not very richly, slight rubbing it in once a day in the evening. Each patient has used the gel for six weeks.

According to the observations and research, local trials carried out before the tests proved negative in all cases.

The absorption of the gel was good, it was completely absorbed by skin, leaving on a skin surface somewhat greasy shine. The gel tolerated quite satisfactorily, there was neither allergenic nor irritating effect of the gel found out in any case.

In 3-4 weeks after the gel was used the skin became more elastic, the dryness and peeling, available in some cases, disappeared, the turgor was almost completely recovered and the skin tinged a natural shade. By the end of the tests the surface wrinkles around eyes and mouth became almost completely smooth in 27 cases, in 15 cases the number of wrinkles diminished considerably and only in one case there were no essential changes registered. The deep wrinkles on forehead became much less marked in all cases.


The results of the clinical tests of the "Millenium" cosmetic in the form of gel evidence that it is an effective preparation with the expressed protective, nourishing and renewing effect on the senescent skin. The use of the gel entails neither by-effects nor complications.

The "Millenium" gel can be recommended as a cosmetic of broad-spectrum.

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