
The BAC "Pax+" is a phyto-vitamin-mineral complex, which includes eight B-vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12, nicotine amide, folic acid, biotene and pantothenic acid), magnesium, calcium and three phytocomponents - common balm, common lavender and poppy.


1 capsule contains: *DN (in %)
Per 2 capsules
Common balm (Melissa officinalis L.) 50 mg  
Common lavender (Lavandula angustifolia Miller) 50 mg  
Poppy (Papaver rhoeas L.) 50 mg  
Vitamin PP 18 mg 180% 
Vitamin B5 6 mg 172% 
Vitamin B6 1,65 mg 166% 
Vitamin B2 1,6 mg 178% 
Vitamin B1 1,15 mg 156% 
Vitamin H 0,15 mg 300% 
Vitamin B9 0,2 mg 200% 
Vitamin B12 1 mkg 100% 
Calcium hydrophosphate 116 mg  
Including calcium 26 mg 6% 
Magnesium carbonate 100 mg  
Including magnesium 26 mg 18% 

*DN (in%) is a daily need expressed as a percentage.

B-vitamins are necessary for normal functions of the nerves and brain, they make for sleep improvement, participate in carbohydrate, fat and protein exchange, and provide organism with energy. Magnesium is an anti-stress macroelement, it decreases irritability of neurones and acts as a cofactor in many enzymatic reactions. It is the most effectual when being combined with calcium, which makes for strengthening of the nerves and secures balance between the processes of irritation and inhibition in cerebral cortex. Common balm is a sedative, antidepressant, and it removes vigilance. Common lavender contains volatile oils making for decrease of tensity and anxiety. Poppy is used as a sedative.

All components of the BAC "Pax+" are selected so that they not only fill a shortage of the named substances in a ration, but also normalize functions of the nerves the most part of the population needs to. Because of carefully adjusted and science-based proportions of the components of the product, it takes gentle assuaging effect and makes for general relaxation of organism and sleep improvement. That is exactly why this phyto-mineral-vitamin complex is very necessary for people during heavy stress and psycho-emotional assignment, vigilance and heightened nervous irritability.

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