Usage of VISION biologically active nutritive complements

The methodological work below represents the most vivid examples written down from the words of doctors. These examples are the part of the various experience which they gained using the products of our Company
  • Cardiology
  • Endocrinology
  • Pulmonology
  • Allergy
  • Oncology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Uriniferous system diseases
  • Surgery
  • Psychiatry
  • Gynaecology
  • Children and teen-agers
  • Ophthalmology
  • Neurology
  • Dermal pathology
The application of the biologically active nutritive complements of the "Vision International People Group" company in cardiology
  • Woman over 40 y.o. Underwent a heart surgery 16 years ago. Chronically suffers from vibratile arrhythmia. Frequent colds effected the complications on heart, 3 - 4 times a year had been on sick lists for 1,5 - 2 months period. During the medicated therapy took "Antiox+", "Detox+", "Nutrimax+" and then all range of the products of our Company in accordance with the dosages prescribed. When she was re-examined on cardiograph, the precipitate positive dynamics was identified. Now the condition is satisfactory, the tolerance to the physical load has increased. The patient has taken colds rarely.
  • Woman, 85 y.o. Sustained bradycardia, functional extrasistolia. Suffers from hypertonic decease. In addition to the traditional treatment took nearly all the range of the products of "Vision International People Group" in usual dosage. As a result, heart activity has improved, normal heart rhythm was identified. The level of blood pressure has stabilized, the dosage of the antihypertensive medicinal preparations was decreased.
The application of the biologically active nutritive complements of the "Vision International People Group" company in endocrinology
  • Woman over 50 y.o. Diabetes. Blood glucose was 9,8 - 10,2 mmol/l. She kept taking maninil and used also "Detox+", 1 capsule 2 times a day, "Sveltform+" 1 capsule 2 times a day, "Chromevital+"1 capsule 2 times a day. A month later the blood glucose was 6,8 mmol/l. Two months later after she had finished taking the products of the "Vision International People Group" company the blood glucose level in blood maintained 5,8 - 6,5 mmol/l.
  • From the experience of the obesity therapy applied to the teenagers (over 12 y.o.): the separated diet in combination with "Sveltform+", "Chromevital+" in normal dosages causes the loss of weight at the rate of approximately 3 - 4 kilograms per week, in some cases - 6 kilograms per week.
  • Woman 46 y.o. Underwent the thyroid adenoma surgery. She was recommended to have the second surgery. During the medicated therapy she has been taking "Antiox+", "Detox+", "Sveltform+" for 3 month in the dosages indicated on the label. When she had the thyroid X-rayed next time, 2-3 mm thyroid node decrement was identified.
  • Woman, 65 y.o. Suffers from diabetes. The expectant treatment with maninil was conducted in the combination with "Vision" products " Antiox+" and "Chromevital+" in prophylactic dosages. As a result, the body weight decreased, the physical state improved. In accordance with the laboratory analysis the level of blood glucose decreased from 12-14 mmol/l to the normal level. Later on she was taking "Vision" products in accordance with the following scheme: maninil and " Chromevital+" in the dosage of 1 capsule a day protractedly; the course of "Antiox+" and "Detox+" in prophylactic dosages 2-3 times a year. As a result, the level of blood glucose has normalized.
The application of the biologically active nutritive complements of the "Vision International People Group" company in pulmonology
  • Man, 34 y.o. Suffered from sustained chronic bronchitis, obesity, chronic fatigue syndrome. In addition to the traditional treatment he took "Sveltform+", "Chromevital+", "Antiox+" constantly and the courses of "Pax+" in usual dosage. As a result, since May 1998 there have been no chronic bronchitis exasperation identified, the chronic fatigue syndrome has totally disappeared. The patient maintained high physical activity, his body weight decreased, his clothes size changed from 62 to 58.
  • Woman, 37 y.o. Aspirin bronchial asthma, Kwenke edema type allergenic reaction, dermal pruritus when contacting with house-hold goods and the products of the honeycraft. In addition to the main medicinal preparations takes "Antiox+" in the dosages recommended. The general state has improved.
  • Girl, 16 y.o. Invalidity owing to hormonic dependant bronchial asthma. Besides the medicated therapy she took "Detox+" - 1/2 capsule a day, later on the dosage was gradually increased to 2 capsules a day. The condition has stabilized. The dosage of hormonic preparations was gradually decreased. The condition remains stable.
  • Woman, 69 y.o. Was hospitalized with heavy hormonic dependant bronchial asthma exasperation. She has taken prednizolon in the dosage of 4 pills a day. In addition to the integrated traditional treatment she took: "Pax+" - 2 capsules per day, "Detox+" - 1 capsule per day, "Antiox+" - 1 capsule per day. As a result, 2 weeks later the physical condition improved, the electrocardiogram identified the positive dynamics, blood indexes normalized. When the patient was discharged from the hospital, prednizolon dosage was decreased from 4 to 1/4 pills per day. Now she keeps the following scheme: "Pax+" - 15 days, then "Antiox+" - 15 days, then "Detox+" - 10 days. As a result, there have been no suffocation attacks identified for half a year.
The application of the biologically active nutritive complements of the "Vision International People Group" company in allergy reactions
  • Teenager, 12 y.o. Hives type allergy reaction (rash, pruritus). The family anamnesis shows his father has the neirodermit. In addition to the traditional treatment he had taken "Detox+"- 1 capsule per day, "Pax+"- 1 capsule before sleep, that caused the rash decrement and dermal pruritus intensity reduction.
  • Woman, over 40 y.o. Complained of hyper sensibility of the skin and stuffed-up nose after she had contacted with the chemical weed-killers during her working in the stove-house, there was also the allergic reaction to pollens. In addition to the medicinal preparations she took "Detox+" - 1 capsule 2 times a day, "Pax+" - 1 capsule 2 times a day. 3 days later the rhinitis evidence disappeared, in 6 days the dermatitis evidence disappeared. The patient is not afflicted with dermal pruritus any more. The general condition is satiafactory.
  • Observation: "Detox+", "Antiox+" application in the combination with the traditional treatment facilitates the allergy reactions (such as rhinitis ans conjunctivitis) decrement A number of patients suffering from bronchial asthma notice the suffocation attack are gradually disappearing.
  • Woman, 41 y.o. Sustained polyvalent allergy for many years. After she had included "Vision" complements -"Nutrimax", "Antiox+", "Detox+" as the additional supplements in the therapy, the noticeable reduction of the allergy reactions intensity and reappearance periodicity was identified (allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis).
The application of the biologically active nutritive complements of the "Vision International People Group" company in oncology
  • Man 60 y.o. III-IV grade stomach cancer. He was discharged from the hospital and recommended to have the symptomatic therapy. The application of "Vision International People Group" products facilitated the decrement of the pain syndrome intensity.
  • Woman, over 50 y.o. Right lung cancer. Lung emphysema. The traditional integrated therapy course was conducted in the hospital. After being discharged from the hospital she was prescribed to take 3 courses of the X-ray therapy. In addition to it she was taking "Antiox+", then "Nutrimax" in the dosages indicated on the label. As a result, the patient endures the X-ray therapy courses well, doesn't feel total weakness, nausea, keeps good appetite. Thus, the complements of the "Vision International People Group" company helped her to facilitate the head for the X-ray therapy.
  • Man, 65 y.o. Lung cancer. Obliterative endarteritis. Heart ischemia. In addition to the traditional pharmacotherapy took "Detox+" - 1 capsule 3-4 times a day, "Pax+"- 1 capsule 2 times a day, "Antiox+",- 1 capsule 2 times a day. As a result, the general condition has improved. The patient feels better, his capacity for work is maintained.
  • Man, 72 y.o. Chronical lymph leukosis. In addition to pharmacotherapy took "Detox+" in the usual prophylactic dosage. A month later the blood analysis showed leucocyte level decrement. The patient began to feel better, his capacity for work increased. Today cytostatic therapy is applied, "Detox+" was substituted to "Chromevital+".
  • Observation: "Detox+" reduces the toxication evidence and the side effects of chemotheraphy. "Antiox+" affects the blood indexes improvement. For example, "Antiox+" application for 2 weeks can lead to the increment of haemoglobin level to 20 units.
The application of the biologically active nutritive complements of the "Vision International People Group" company in gastroenterology
  • Man, over 60 y.o. Acute disbacteriosis, enteritis. He was often hospitalized to the infectious departments. Exhausting diarrhea and anorexia were registered. In addition to the medicinal preparations took "Pax+", "Detox+" in usual dosage. 2 days later the patient felt urge for defecation. In 2 weeks he had the stool normalized. "Pax+" and "Detox+" application in addition to the traditional therapy let him attain 4 month remission.
  • Girl, 16 y.o. Non-specific ulcer colitis, chronic autoimmune hepatite, nephritis. As a treatment for non-specific ulger colitis she had been taking salofalk for a long time, that caused nephritis 2 years later. Since September, 1997 in addition to pharmacotherapy the patient started taking complements of the "Vision International People Group" company. Her physical condition has estimably improved, indigestion evidence has disappeared, blood biochemical indexes have normalized. The salofalk application was gradually abolished. For the past period there have been no exasperations of the mentioned diseases.
  • Teenager, 11 y.o. Bile duct dyskinesia. Suffered from the strong pain at having meal. He preferred starvation. In addition to the medicinal preparations the patient has been taking "Lifepac Junior" for 1,5 month in the dosages prescribed on the label. As a result, the pain has ceased, he digests all meals well now.
  • Woman, over 40 y.o. Was recommended to undertake the gut polypus surgery. During pharmacotherapy she has been taking "Antiox+", "Detox+" in usual dosages for 2 months. When the patient was re-examined the gut polypus was not found.
  • The observation of a distributor-gastroenterologist: 10 people suffering from different digestive tract diseases were specially examined and the mucous membrane dysplasia was discovered. In addition to the traditional treatment they were recommended to take "Detox+" for 1 month in accordance with the dosages prescribed on lables. 3 month later they were re-examined and none of the 10 patients had mucous membrane dysplasia. In a year after following-up none of them showed evidences of the disease.
The application of the biologically active nutritive complements of the "Vision International People Group" company in uriniferous system diseases
  • Teenager, 12 y.o. Urolithiasis, emiction organs infection. Ultrasonography revealed 0,4 sm concretions in the right kidney. The laboratory analysis indicated leucocyteria In addition to the medicinal preparations she has been taking "Lifepac Junior" in usual dosage and "Detox+" - 1 capsule for 10 days. The patient underwent the ultrasonography a month after she had got a course of our compliments, and no concretions were detected. All the other parameters became normal.
  • Woman, 32 y.o. Acute cystitis. The laboratory urine analysis indicated: albumen - 0,135 %, leucocytes - 30-40 within eyeshot, erythrocytes - 5-8 within eyeshot, oxalates. In addition to the traditional treatment she was taking "Nutrimax" - 1 capsule 2 times a day, "Detox+" - 1 capsule 2 times a day. As a result, the physical condition became satisfactory. The second urine analysis indicated no albumen, leucocytes - 6-7 within eyeshot, erythrocytes - 0-2 within eyeshot.
  • Observation: During conducting the chronic pyelonephritis therapy, the effect is more obvious when "Vision International People Group" complements ("Nutrimax", "Lifepac+", "Detox+") are applied in addition to the traditional treatment.
  • Teenager, 14 y.o. Sustained recidivous chronic pyelonephritis. 4 courses of the antibiotic therapy were undertaken: penicillin, ampiox, hentamycin, streptomycin. 5 days after "Nutrimax" in the recommended dosage had been included in the therapy as the additional cure, the physical condition has noticeably improved, positive dynamic of the laboratory analysis was indicated.
The application of the biologically active nutritive complements of the "Vision International People Group" company in surgery
  • Teenager, 12 y.o. Underwent the appendicitis surgery with peritonitis complication. Stayed in reanimation in critical condition. Massive antibacterial therapy was undertaken: tienam, blood transfusion, plasma for sepsis. During check-up: the drainage in the abdomen, hyperemia in the wounds area, empyema. The healing process was proceeding slowly. In addition to the therapy "Detox+" and "Antiox+" were taken in usual dosages. 5 days later the checkup had been conducted, and it showed the dry coverings and no empyema.
  • Observation: When the complements of "Vision International People Group" company is included to the traditional surgery cure of the acute pus osteomyelitis, the hospitalization terms are reduced from 45 to 30 days.
  • Teenager, 12 y.o. Acute appendicitis, peritonotis. In addition to the traditional treatment he was taking "Antiox+", "Lifepac Junior", "Pax+" (in the usual dosage). As a result, his post-surgery stay in the hospital has noticeably reduced, the restoration period proceeded without complications. 9 days later the patient was discharged from the hospital.
  • Man, over 40 y.o., a surgeon. Suffers from varicose veins. In addition to the traditional treatment he was taking "Antiox+", "Nutrimax" in the recommended dosages. The pain in legs has disappeared. The general condition has improved.
The application of the biologically active nutritive complements of the "Vision International People Group" company in psychiatry
  • Woman, 40 y.o. Diagnosis: metabolic type depression. She was taking amitriptilin, finlepsin. Application of "Pax+", "Sveltform+", "Chromevital+" in usual dosages in addition to the traditional treatment contributed to the improvement of general state and the reduction of periodicity of the recidivism appearance.
  • Woman, over 50 y.o. She was injured in Chernobil atomic boiler accident. Suffered from depression, lost interest in life. Complaints: sleepiness, atony, apathy. The patient had taken a variety of medicationsin out-patient regime which had no effect. After she had started taking "Pax+", then "Chromevital+" in addition to the integrated therapy (usual dosage), she found savour in life, obtained a good mood.
The application of the biologically active nutritive complements of the "Vision International People Group" company in gynaecology
  • Observation: the application of "Detox+", "Antiox+", "Chromevital+", "Nutrimax" in usual dosages in addition to the traditional treatment contributes to speed-up of myoma uterus and mastopathy regression.
The application of the biologically active nutritive complements of the "Vision International People Group" company by children and teenagers
  • Teenager, 12 y.o. Enuresis. In addition to the integrated therapy he was taking "Lifepac Junior+", "Pax+" in the recommended dosage. The general condition has normalized.
  • Observation: During treating children`s enuresis the good effect is attained when "Lafepac Junior+" is included in the programme of the traditional treatment of children`s enuresis, because it contains the components, that normalize the state of the nervous system.
  • Ophthalmologist: the application of "Antiox+" and "Lifepac Junior" products in addition to the integrated therapy in usual prophylactic dosages affects the improvement of teenagers sightseeing and the reduction of astigmatism.
  • Child, 4 y.o. The application of "Lifepac Junior+" in dosage of 1 tablet 2 times a day results in disappearing of evidences of the acute respiratory disease and sustained lymphadenitis
  • Child, 4,5 y.o. Chronic tonsillitis, snore. As a part of the traditional therapy he took "Lifepac Junior+" in dosages indicated on the label. As a result, the acute attack of chronic tonsillitis and snore have disappeared
  • Child, 6 y.o. Enuresis, frequent colds. In addition to the integrated therapy she has been taking "Lifepac Junior+" for 6 months (usual recommended dosages). Enuresis has disappeared. The patient has had no colds for a long time.
The application of the biologically active nutritive complements of the "Vision International People Group" company in neurology
  • Woman, 38 y.o. Dysautonomia, migraine. She took "Antiox+" in usual dosages. The general condition has improved, headaches have stopped.
  • Man, 40 y. o. Suffered from intense headaches, aggressiveness, frequent irritability. During pharmacotherapy the patient was taking "Antiox+", "Pax+" in the prophylactic dosages. As a result, the headaches have stopped, insomnia has disappeared.
The application of the biologically active nutritive complements of the "Vision International People Group" company in ophthalmology
  • Man, 62 y.o. Retina pigmentary degeneration. Cataract. At the same time with the integrated therapy "Antiox+" was being taken (the duration of the treatment - 3 weeks in the usual dosage) Then he took "Pax+" and "Chromevital+" in the dosage indicated on the label. As a result, the quicksightedness has increased. The patient got the ability to read with his own eyes, though he had been only able to read with the hand-glass before.
  • Young woman. Central retina degeneration. After "Antiox+" in usual prophylactic dosages had been applied for 1 month in combination with the traditional therapy, the quicksightedness has improved for 0,2 dioptres.
  • Observation: Glaucoma causes breaking of the eye drainage system. It is effective to use "Antiox+", "Detox+", "Pax+".
The application of the biologically active nutritive complements of the "Vision International People Group" company in dermal pathology
  • Boy, 15 y.o. He has suffered from psoriasis for 7 years. The exasperations appear 2 times a year in autumn - spring period. The patient took "Lifepac+", "Detox+", then "Nutrimax+" and "Antiox+" and used "Millenium" gel externally. As a result, the general condition has improved, the skin rashes have noticeably decreased.

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